How can we help you?

8. Most common questions

How long are my funds committed for?

Your funds are committed for the duration of the loan that you have selected for investment, including where the loan is extended. This means that it is not possible for an investor to resell or redeem their investments early. LendInvest will repay capital to investors after the loan is repaid by the borrower. The term may be extended with LendInvest’s agreement, or may be shortened if the borrower elects to repay early.

Why are loans commonly extended?

Due to the commercial nature of bridging finance, extension requests are not uncommon and the reasons for the requests can be wide-ranging. The most typical reasons include:

  • Planning applications have taken longer than expected to obtain.
  • Refurbishment works have been unexpectedly delayed (eg the delivery of new windows is taking longer than expected).
  • The borrower is waiting to exchange on contracts where a sale has been agreed.
  • The borrower requires additional funds and/or time to complete his project (eg work to the building’s foundations was necessary but unforeseen at the time of applying for the loan).
  • The borrower is waiting for a new lender to complete their due diligence before refinancing the loan.
  • The buyer of the borrower’s property pulls out at the last moment, forcing the borrower to put the property back onto the market.
  • The new lender refinancing the property pulls out at the last moment, forcing the borrower to find another new lender.

When will I get my money back?

On the same day (or the next business day if the payment is received after 3pm) that a borrower repays their loan to LendInvest, we will credit your online investor account, making these funds available to you to be invested in other available loans or withdrawn.

What are LendInvest’s fees?

We don’t charge fees to investors on our platform. We charge fees to our borrowers in line with our borrower charging policy. These fees can be paid directly by the borrower or added to the principal loan amount. LendInvest takes a margin between the interest rate paid by the borrower and the income paid to investors. The interest rate paid by the borrower is included in the receivables purchase agreement (RPA).

Can I include my LendInvest platform investments in my ISA or SIPP?

No. Investments that are made available on our platform are structured as unauthorised Alternative Investment Funds which are not regulated by the FCA. Unregulated Alternative Investment Funds are not eligible investments for a stocks and shares ISA wrapper.

The LendInvest Secured Income PLC listed bonds are intended to be eligible for investing via a stocks and shares ISA or SIPP, subject to applicable limits.

Prospective investors should check whether the specific terms of their arrangement permits investment of this type. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances at the relevant time (and may be subject to change in the future).

You can find more information on the LendInvest listed bonds here.