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May 7, 2020

How a remote Buy-to-Let deal works

Luke Stevenson Written by Luke Stevenson
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In the weeks since we began working remotely, we have been highlighting how members of the different teams that take our cases from start to finish have been adapting to their new environments.

Bringing it all together, we are looking at how a Buy-to-Let case can proceed during lockdown. 

While many roles in businesses across the country are able to move their processes online, the key to making it work is organisation and open communication. 



When a broker wants to get in touch about a new case, the avenues open to them remain the same as pre-lockdown; contacting their BDM through call or email, contacting the sales desk, or using our Buy-to-Let calculator. 

The numbers they are contacted by when in the office still work, as software installed in anticipation of lockdown redirects calls directly to them. 

BDMs are still conducting face-to-face interviews over Google Hangouts, Zoom or a broker’s preferred video conferencing tool.

See more about the day in the life of a remote BDM. 


The broker portal remains the easiest way to get quick Decisions in Principle and submit full applications, and our BDMs, Underwriters and Case Managers are all able to access these details remotely.


From 15th May we were able to instruct valuers again, which we began doing immediately.

Prior to this, however, we had kept cases moving by using an Automated Valuation Model to progress into underwriting on the precondition that a full physical valuation took place before completion. 

It is important to note as well that while valuations can take place, valuers are rightly adhering to social distancing policies to ensure the safety of themselves and others. This includes ensuring tenants of Buy-to-Let properties can be out of the house when valuers arrive, for example.

Case management

For Case Managers, the meetings required to manage and allocate work were able to go virtual the day lockdown began, and systems were easily accessible. 

Queries about cases are shared on Slack or in Google Hangouts, and there is daily communication with the underwriting team over the progress of cases.

See more about the day in the life of a remote case manager. 


For underwriters, the tools needed to assess applications are cloud-based and are easily accessible remotely. 

Underwriters can often reduce paper burdens on themselves, brokers and their clients – which have gotten more acute now clients and brokers can’t exchange paperwork in person – through using Open Banking, a secure process which allows them to view a client’s relevant accounts in a dashboard to help them quickly assess the case. 

With the whole team working from separate locations, communication and organisation to ensure timely process of cases is essential.


Daily video conferences within the underwriting team, with case managers and solicitors happen to ensure each case is kept a close eye on to maintain our high quality of service for cases as they move through the process. 

See more about the day in the life of a remote underwriter. 


Line up your client’s next Buy-to-Let property

As you can see, our team is still working to progress your cases despite any new challenges posed by doing so remotely.

Get started on your next deal by calling our team: 020 3846 6838

See more about our process on our Covid-19 Buy-to-Let FAQs and download our updated rates guide and criteria guide for our current lending appetite.

Tagged under:Borrow

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