Case studies: Buy-to-Let lending for HMOs

In our most recent Buy-to-Let changes we wanted to continue to support landlords looking at larger properties in the current environment.
The appetite for HMOs and MUFBs shrunk during the early events of this year but has now come roaring back, with professional landlords eager to expand their portfolios with the current stamp duty holiday in place.
We’ve seen this appetite from brokers and have been busy completing HMOs, and then further encouraging their next purchase with reduced fees on small HMOs and increased loan sizes across our HMO and MUFB range.
To see more of our rates and offers, visit our Buy-to-Let page.
Take a look at two recent deals we have supported:
A remortgage for a 6-bed HMO in Bristol where the borrower wanted to raise capital to repay the existing loan and fund refurbishment across the rest of their portfolio.
Loan amount: £600,000
LTV: 75%
The landlord wanted to refund the currently unencumbered 6 bedroom property to raise funds for another Buy-to-Let purchase.
Loan requested: £437,500
LTV: 70%
Visit our Buy-to-Let page for rates, offers and instant quotes.