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August 27, 2024

Building the Future: The Role of Agile Lenders in Development Finance

Derek Amoako Written by Derek Amoako
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The financial crisis marked a significant turning point for the banking industry, leading to the emergence of Challenger Banks. These smaller, new banks were established as a response to the inability of traditional High Street Banks to lend during the crisis. At the time, many customers faced uncertainty as they sought funding from these alternative sources, unsure of the long-term viability of these new financial institutions. However, with limited options available, they placed their trust in Challenger Banks, which offered to support them through the financial challenges of the period.

Fast forward to 2024, and the financial landscape has undergone a profound transformation. Alternative lenders, including Challenger Banks, now hold a substantial market share. These institutions have broadened their offerings, providing a wide range of financial products tailored to specific sectors. Their success is rooted in their deep expertise and ability to meet the unique needs of various industries.

One area where these alternative lenders have made a particularly significant impact is Development Finance. This sector has traditionally been heavily relationship-driven, with the success of projects often depending on the lender’s ability to communicate effectively with developers. Understanding the specific challenges faced by each project and providing bespoke solutions are crucial to meeting the lending requirements.

To offer adequate support in Development Finance, lenders have had to become more agile. They must be capable of making quick decisions to ensure that development projects continue to progress smoothly. This includes adapting to changes in planning, adjusting cost budgets, extending loan terms, and even making advance payments when necessary. Each development project is unique, with its own set of requirements, making it essential for lenders to have a deep understanding of the developer’s needs and the flexibility to respond accordingly.

Drawing on my 15 years of experience in Development Finance, which includes roles in both High Street Banks and alternative lenders, I have witnessed firsthand the strengths and challenges of each type of institution. Recently, I decided to rejoin the team at LendInvest.. My decision was driven by the opportunity to work in an environment where agility and quick decision-making are prioritised. At LendInvest, I can effectively support developers through various challenges, backed by a team of experienced professionals who are committed to delivering tailored solutions.

In conclusion, the evolution of the financial industry since the crisis has reshaped the way lending operates, particularly in the realm of Development Finance. The rise of alternative lenders has introduced new levels of flexibility, expertise, and customer-focused solutions. As the industry continues to evolve, the ability to adapt and respond quickly to the needs of developers will remain a critical factor in the success of both lenders and their clients.

Tagged under:Development Finance

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