Building income, building homes

Property insights from the LendInvest team.


Bridging prospects strong in changing landlord market

Bridging prospects strong in changing landlord market

May 24, 2016

We Read, You Skim. The EU Referendum & property prices summed up

We Read, You Skim. The EU Referendum & property prices summed up

May 23, 2016

LendInvest in the Press: New Funding Line, Developing Ambitions, and Gary Clark: Chess Master

LendInvest in the Press: New Funding Line, Developing Ambitions, and Gary Clark: Chess Master

May 17, 2016

15 apps that can help you save money through offers & savvy budgeting

15 apps that can help you save money through offers & savvy budgeting

May 17, 2016

Technology is a tool – not the endgame

Technology is a tool – not the endgame

May 16, 2016

We Read, You Skim: Brexit price slump warning. Starter homes plan reset. And other news.

We Read, You Skim: Brexit price slump warning. Starter homes plan reset. And other news.

May 16, 2016