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June 14, 2023

Five recent residential mortgage deals we’ve completed

Luke Stevenson Written by Luke Stevenson
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To register or apply for our residential mortgage products, please visit out residential mortgages page. 

Since launching our residential mortgage range, we’ve shouted loudly about their flexibility to different homebuyers. 

We’re going to give our voices a rest and let some of the deals we’ve delivered do the talking for us, if you don’t mind. 

  • Key Worker, First-Time Buyer

Location: Wrexham

Loan amount: £135,201

LTV: 90% 

This applicant is a paediatric nurse working for the NHS, with the income a mixture of salaried and non-guaranteed overtime.

They had a historic payday loan and the property was within 30m of a licensed premises, both things that would have put off other lenders. But we got comfortable with the deal and supported them to purchase her first home. 

  • Purchase for someone with mixed income 

Location: Scotland

Loan amount: £85,195

LTV: 58%

An existing homeowner was looking to purchase a new property after selling her current one. 

Her income was a mix of work and working tax credit for her two dependents. Her employed income was lower than what she received in benefits, which would have prevented her getting a mortgage with other lenders, but we were happy to support her. 

The property was also a non-standard construction, which may have further discouraged other lenders.

  • Interest-only remortgage for couple with income mix

Location: Poole

Loan amount: £187,195

LTV: 55%

A joint remortgage application for a couple looking to redeem their existing mortgage, with the shortfall being covered by the sale of one of the applicant’s Buy-to-Let properties. 

The income was a mix of one applicant’s Buy-to-Let portfolio, the other’s employment as a care worker and additional income in the form of a working tax credit. 

  • First-time purchase for two borrowers

Location: Newcastle

Loan amount: £188,295

LTV: 85% 

Two first-time buyers were looking for a mortgage for their first home. They qualified for our Tier 0 credit product despite two missed payments, two years ago, as the underwriter felt this was not a true reflection of their history and could get comfortable with it. 

  • Joint remortgage following payment holiday

Location: Farnham

Loan amount: £575,995

LTV: 55%

A straight remortgage of their existing home for applicants where one was retired and one earned in excess of £120k. 

In their credit history there was a missed mortgage payment, which we correctly recognised as a payment holiday and proceeded with the case on a Tier 2, 2-year fix. 

To register or apply for our residential mortgage products, please visit out residential mortgages page. 

LendInvest Loans Limited is a company registered in England & Wales with Company No. 09971600.

LendInvest Loans Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN:737073). LendInvest Loans Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of LendInvest plc.

Borrowing through LendInvest involves entering into a mortgage contract secured against property. Your property may be repossessed if you do not repay your mortgage in full.

Tagged under:Borrow

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