Case studies: Buy-to-Lets over £500k

Working with ambitious portfolio landlords means we often have requests for larger loan sizes – either to purchase a big HMO, units in a MUFB or remortgage existing properties for a capital raise to expand their portfolios.
Here are some of the examples of larger Buy-to-Let loans we have been supporting landlords with recently.
Remortgage of a HMO House for a 5-year fixed-term to repay the existing charge.
Loan requested: £630,000
LTV: 70%
To raise capital to purchase another Buy-to-Let property, this portfolio landlord requested a remortgage which would also cover their existing charge.
Loan requested: £513,750
LTV: 75%
Another remortgage on a HMO House to aid the portfolio landlord continue expanding by purchasing another property.
Loan requested: £506,250
LTV: 75%
Supporting a Buy-to-Let landlord purchase their fifth property, a HMO house, on a 5-year fixed rate.
Loan requested: £562,500
LTV: 75%
Remortgage of three units in a Multi-Unit Freehold Block.
Loan requested: £600,000
LTV: 60%
To get an instant quote for your next Buy-to-Let, visit our Buy-to-Let page to see our current offers, rates, criteria and online calculator.