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September 24, 2020

Case studies: Bridging loans over £500k 

Luke Stevenson Written by Luke Stevenson
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While we’ve seen record demand for bridging finance following the loosening of lockdown restrictions over the summer, a lot of that has been for smaller bridges, however we’re still seeing a good flow of cases for slightly larger loans from property investors.

The reasons for this vary, planning gain, acquisition, bridging before a Buy-to-Let, but reflect a level of confidence in the market. 

Here are some examples of the cases we have worked on recently: 


Property investor looking to purchase a large detached property with stables and four acres of land. Following purchase he would look to get planning permission to convert the stables before either refinancing or selling the property. 

Loan amount: £504,000

LTV: 70%

Read more: Lending 100% of the purchase price with additional security



An urgent bridge for the acquisition of the property for which the borrower already had an approved £4 million development loan to build 9 flats. 

Loan amount: £667,500

LTV: 60%

Read more: Buy-to-Lets over £500k



Borrower given first option on a property being sold by the receiver of a failed developer. It had minor remediation works still to be completed, which the borrower would cover, before being able to exit on to a Buy-to-Let mortgage. 

Loan amount: £624,000

LTV: 75%

To see our full range of bridging products, please visit our product page to see our rates and offers for Bridging, Bridge-to-Let, Auction and Development Exit finance.

Tagged under:Borrow

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